Gramps Braggin' Rights Year End All Metro Boys Ratings - 12/31/2021
I am hoping 2022 will be a better year for you and me than 2021. Besides trying to stay safe from all the variants of covid (which we did), I still managed to undergo eight procedures requiring anesthesia and spend seven days in the hospital over the full year. Fusion of three toes in my right foot, a pacemaker, an ablation and a staph infection in the post-operative foot, all made 2021 a year to forget. If anything, the summer and winter basketball ratings was about the only thing that kept me going. I have to give a Shout-Out to my wonderful wife who nursed me through all of these traumas and the healing process. For some guys, this might have seemed like heaven. When I would try to get out of my chair to get something, she would say "Sit tight! What do you need? I will get it for you!" It has only been the last two months that I have been coddling her again. She deserved a couple of months of my cooking and washing up dishes after seven...