Gramps Braggin Rights Missouri Boys Basketball ratings - All Schools/All Classes 2/28/2022
Edited 2/28/2022 3pm
It is the end of Black History Month but is it really? We keep hearing about Critical Race Theory and these wackos that don't want to teach our kids and grandkids about any history that might embarrass their children. Well, get this... we only learn from our past and our past included enslaved black folk who were brought to this land with no choice but to slave away their life working in a rice field or under even harsher conditions on a sugar plantation.
You could say that America was built on the backs of people of color and now we have forgotten them. We don't want to be disturbed or embarrassed by this very real truth. America is great because of slavery, as repulsive as that sounds. So we cannot forget our past. We must study it and learn from it.
It is not just slavery that we must learn. We must learn from Reconstruction and the Jim Crow era after Federal troops were removed from the South in 1874 when blacks were stripped of their newly gained rights and stature. We must learn about the rise of the KKK and white supremacy, the lynchings of nearly 5000 black people in the period of the late 19th century up to the Civil rights movement. We must learn about the Federal Housing authority discrimination of post-WW II when our black GIs came home and found out they could not buy a house in any new housing development. NONE. We must continue to learn about the discrimination of the 20th and 21st centuries.
We must learn this so we do not repeat it. Black History is not just February. It is every month because it is part of our history. If we do not learn about all of these things, we should not teach any history.
Here are my Missouri boys basketball ratings for all classes of teams.
Good luck to all of them in the play-offs.
Updated 3/10/2022 Original is posted below
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