Some KC Missouri Independent boys basketball Predictions - 11/28/2021

 I have looked at the four Kansas City Suburban Conferences and picked out a select few independent teams to analyze for this coming season.  I looked at Barstow, Rockhurst, Pembroke Hill, and Summit Academy for returnees, VPS, point differential, and opponent scoring and put together win-loss predictions for the 2021-2022 season based upon a formula I developed for St. Louis area teams.  It is statistics on steroids and it may be out in left field, but you have to start somewhere and I prefer to start with statistical history and predict on that rather than some fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants approach that some people utilize.

Here are the four independent teams and I also added the four suburban conference summaries to it.  You can find the suburban predictions at these links:  White, Gold, Blue, Red

You can find my pre-season ratings for Kansas City Missouri area teams right HERE

Remember, it's all for fun.  The guys still have to play the games and ratings will sort out later.  Hopefully, 810Sports will host my top 20 boys and girls for all Missouri schools again this year.

Here are the individual team analyses for the four independents


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