Comparison of MBCA Girls Basketball Poll to Gramps Braggin Rights Ratings - 01/29/2022
I do not mean to ridicule coaches's polls.
They certainly have a purpose for local teams. The coaches know other teams intimately from competition and scout film. I can see a lot of validity in a local poll.
What I don't see in the Missouri Basketball Coaches Association poll in a good representation of the entire state. Teams go overlooked because they are remote from a lot of the action. KC coaches probably know the NW area of Missouri pretty darn good and St. Louis coaches the East, Springfield coaches the Southwest. Get outside of that area, ie the middle north, south or central and there is less visibility.
That is the reason for this post... to raise the awareness or consciences of coaches for teams in their class poll, outside of their region.
The MBCA poll comes out weekly. The rankings were okay early but missed a lot of good or great teams. The polls are getting better.... maybe some of those 200 coaches that follow me are voting on teams based on my ratings. LOL
So listed below left are the MBCA class six through one girl's polls. The right-hand column is my top 15 or 20. I do not presume to have a perfect ranking but a statistical rating might just be a little better than voting on teams you have not seen or played against.
Below each class rank, I have listed 1) Teams that MBCA coaches should consider the next time they vote, and, 2) Teams that appear over-rated by the MBCA poll. I have the Boys rankings HERE:.
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