Boys and Girls District ratings - find your team links 2/10/2021

 District tournaments are just a week away and lower classes have already been seeded.  Coach Bennaka at Smithville contacted me about his seed meeting this weekend and I realized I had not updated the seeding posts since early this year.

So down below, you will find links to each boys and girls class.  These might not help you seed your team but the ratings do give a good picture of who should win out and get to the state final.

As always. enjoy and let me know in a positive manner if I messed up.  If you can't be polite and helpful, don't bother.

Missouri Girl’s Ratings by Class and District

Class One   Class Two  Class Three  Class Four  Class Five  Class Six

 Missouri Boy’s Ratings by Class and District

Class One  Class Two  Class Three   Class Four  Class Five  Class Six


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