Gramp's Braggin' Rights Missouri Girl's Class Five ratings - 3/20/2022

 Zizzers?  So what is a Zizzer anyway?  I followed the West Plains success in cross country running back in the 1990s when my son was running track at Parkway West.  West Plains won a boatload of cross country titles and they always seem to have excellent football and basketball teams as well.

Someone was surprised I picked the Zizzers to win the Girls Class Five championship, but they have been a top 3 team all season.  I gave them the slightest of edges over Whitfield but they seemed to breeze right past the Warriors, who had won a state title in 2021 and two second- and two third-place finishes in the past six years.

Turnabout is fair play, as Whitfield topped West Plains for last year's title.  West Plains has been district champions seven times in the past twelve years but is just arriving in that top tier the past two years with the runner-up and championship last year and yesterday.  And you should expect the Zizzer's back for another dance next year and the year after as they graduate one senior and have a boatload of underclass women still around the next few years.

Congrats to the West Plains Lady Zizzers!

Here are the links to all of the final Missouri boys and girls basketball ratings:

Boys   All Boys Teams (by rank)  All Boys Teams (alphabetical)

Class One    Class Two    Class Three    Class Four    Class Five    Class Six

Girls   All Girls Teams (by rank)  All Girls Teams (alphabetical)

Class One    Class Two    Class Three    Class Four    Class Five    Class Six

There were some great teams in class five and it is tough to sort this group out, but at least the top five are unquestionable.


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